South East Asia is a worldwide hub of wildlife trafficking, from rhino horn to pangolin scales to bear paw soup, and the list just seems to grow longer and longer. This part of the world is also a popular tourist destination. Now travelers and wildlife lovers have a way to report illegal wildlife trafficking that they encounter in southeast Asia quickly, easily and safely using a new smartphone app.
Wildlife Witness is an app that has been developed by Taronga Conservation Society Australia in partnership with TRAFFIC, the leading wildlife and plants trade monitoring network.
“Wildlife Witness is the first global community action tool to tackle illegal wildlife trade. The app makes reporting these activities simple for both tourists and locals and will help give TRAFFIC the information they need to help address this global wildlife crisis,”
Dr Kira Husher, Director Specialist Group Partnership at IUCN
With this app, travelers are able to take a photo of a suspected illegal wildlife trade, pin the exact location of said incident, and send this to TRAFFIC in total safety.
All these reports by app users will be analyzed by a Wildlife Crime Data Analyst and over time, this information will be used to help prioritize response action and identify areas in need of increased enforcement resources.
Wildlife Witness also features information on species threatened by trade, how they are often traded, as well as tips for reporting wildlife crime safely.
The features of this app include:
– Report wildlife you see caught in trade
– See reports you’ve made on a global map
– Learn about wildlife affected by trade
– Learn what to look out for
– Share the app and get your friends involved
Become a wildlife hero during your travels. Join the fight against wildlife trafficking!
You can download Wildlife Witness FREE for iPhones here and for Android here.

Cristina Garcia
Zoologist and wildlife photographer. She has worked in the field with jackals, wolves, cheetahs, & leopards. She serves on the Board of Directors of SEE Turtles, a non-profit sea turtle conservation organization.
Read her posts at Travel For Wildlife and see more of her work at Truly Wild, & Our Wild Yard.