What are some animals starting with K?
- Koala (a marsupial in Australia)
- Kakapo (endangered flightless parrot in New Zealand)
- Kangaroo (a group of hopping marsupials)
- Kudu (two species of large antelope in Africa)
- Kultarr (tiny insectivorous marsupial in Australia desert)
- Kakawahie (a Hawaiian honeycreeper)
- Kodkod (smallest wild cat species in the Americas)
- Kaluga (one of the largest freshwater fish in the world)
- Katydid (family of bush crickets)
- Kea (large parrot in New Zealand)
- Kiang (a wild ass in Tibet)
- Kestrel (a small falcon)
- Kinkajou (a tropical mammal in the raccoon family)
- Kildeer (a ground-nesting shore bird)
- Kipunji (a monkey in Tanzania)
- Kiwi (a flightless bird in New Zealand)
- Klipspringer (a small antelope in Africa)
- Kob (an antelope in Africa)
- Kookaburra (group of kingfishers in Australia)
- Kagu (flightless bird in New Caledonia)
There’s a short list of my favorite animals starting with k to get you going. But that’s just the beginning! We’ve compiled a humongous list of nearly 500 animals that start with K! Our list uses only English common names because scientific names are impossible to pronounce and probably not what you’re looking for. We’ve also only included wild animals (no domestic animals or pet breeds). This list focuses on vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, & fish) but also includes a few invertebrate animals at the end, like insects that start with k!
How Many Animals Starting With K are on our list?
82 Mammals
93 Birds
18 Reptiles
32 Amphibians
242 Fish
21 Invertebrates
= 488 Animals That Start With the Letter K!
If you want more information about any of these animals starting with k, you can highlight a name in the list and then right click it in your browser. Choose “Search with Google” and check the results. Some of my favorite information sources are the IUCN Redlist, Arkive, Fishbase, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Encyclopedia of Life, & One Zoom.
Mammals: 82 Animals Starting With K
- Kangaroo
- Kiang
- Kinkajou
- Kipunji
- Klipspringer
- Koala
- Kob
- Kodkod
- Kongoni
- Kouprey
- Kowari
- Kudu
- Kulan
- Kultarr
- Kafue Lechwe
- Kaiser’s rock rat
- Kalinowski’s Agouti
- Kalinowski’s Mastiff bat
- Kalinowski’s Mouse Opossum
- Kalinowski’s Oldfield mouse
- Kam dwarf hamster
- Kamchatka shrew
- Kangaroo Island dunnart
- Kangaroo Rat
- Karimi’s Fat-Tailed Mouse Opossum
- Kashmir cave bat
- Kashmir field mouse
- Kashmir shrew
- Kazbeg birch mouse
- Keays’s rice rat
- Keen’s myotis
- Kei myotis
- Kelaart’s long-clawed shrew
- Kelaart’s pipistrelle
- Kellen’s dormouse
- Kellogg’s rice rat
- Kemp’s gerbil
- Kemp’s grass mouse
- Kemp’s spiny mouse
- Kemp’s thicket rat
- Kenneth’s white-toothed rat
- Kenyan big-eared free-tailed bat
- Kerala rat
- Kermode (Spirit Bear)
- Khartoum gerbil
- Killer Whale
- Kimberly Mouse
- Kimberly Rock Rat
- Kinabalu Squirrel
- King Arboreal Rice Rat
- King Colobus
- King Horseshoe Bat
- King Jird
- King Mole Rat
- King Rat
- Kintampo Rope Squirrel
- Kirk’s dik-dik
- Kit Fox
- Kivu Climbing Mouse
- Kivu Shrew
- Kloss Squirrel
- Kloss’s Gibbon
- Kloss’s Mole
- Kluchor Birch Mouse
- Kobayashi’s Serotine
- Kobe Mole
- Kodiak Bear
- Koford’s grass mouse
- Kolan vole
- Komodo rat
- Kondana soft-furred rat
- Koopman’s pencil-tailed tree mouse
- Koopman’s porcupine
- Koopman’s rat
- Korean field mouse
- Korean hare
- Korinch’s rat
- Kozlov’s pika
- Kozlov’s pygmy jerboa
- Kozlov’s shrew
- Kreb’s fat mouse
- Kuhl’s pipistrelle
Birds: 93 Animals Starting With K
- Kagu
- Kaka
- Kakapo
- Kakawahie
- Kawall
- Kea
- Kestrel
- Killdeer
- Kingfisher
- Kioea
- Kiskadee
- Kite
- Kiwi
- Kokako
- Koloa
- Kookaburra
- Kadavu Fantail
- Kadavu Honeyeater
- Kaempfer’s Tody-Tyrant
- Kai Cicadabird
- Kai Coucal
- Kalahari Scrub Robin
- Kalij Pheasant
- Kalkadoon grasswren
- Karamoja Apalis
- Karoo Bustard
- Karoo Chat
- Karoo Lark
- Karoo Prinia
- Kashmir Flycatcher
- Kashmir Nuthatch
- Katanga Masked Weaver
- Kauai Amakihi
- Kauai Amakihi
- Kauai Oo
- Keel-billed Motmot
- Keel-billed Toucan
- Kelp Goose
- Kelp Gull
- Kemp’s Longbill
- Kenrick’s Starling
- Kentucky Warbler
- Kenya Grosbeak-Canary
- Kenya Violet-backed Sunbird
- Kerguelen Petrel
- Kerguelen Tern
- Kermadec Petrel
- Kessler’s Thrush
- Key West pigeon
- Khasia Hills cuckoo
- Kilombero Weaver
- King Bird-of-paradise
- King Cormorant
- King Eider
- King Penguin
- King Quail
- King Vulture
- King-of-saxony Bird-of-paradise
- Kinglet Calyptura
- Kipengere Seedeater
- Kirtland’s wood warbler
- Kittlitz’s murrelet
- Kittlitz’s Plover
- Kivu Ground-Thrush
- Klaas’s Cuckoo
- Klages’ Antwren
- Kleine Strandloper
- Knipolegus franciscanus
- Knob-billed Fruit Dove
- Knobbed Hornbill
- Knob-billed Duck
- Knysna Scrub Warbler
- Knysna Turaco
- Knysna Woodpecker
- Koepcke’s Hermit
- Koepcke’s Screech-Owl
- Kofiau Monarch
- Kofiau Paradise Kingfisher
- Koklass Pheasant
- Kona Grosbeak
- Kopje Warbler
- Kordofan Bush-lark
- Kori Bustard
- Koslow’s Bunting
- Kosrae Crake
- Kozlov’s Accentor
- Kretschmer’s Longbill
- Kuhl’s Lorikeet
- Kulambangra Monarch
- Kulambangra Warbler
- Kulambangra White-eye
- Kungwe Apalis
- Kurrichane Thrush
Reptiles: 18 Animals That Start With K
- Kangaroo Island Copperhead
- Karoo Plated Lizard
- Kasner’s Burrowing Skink
- Kaznakow’s Viper
- Keel-scaled earless lizard
- Keeled Box Turtle
- Keeled Earth Snake
- Keeled Spiny Lizard
- Kemp’s Ridley Turtle
- King Cobra
- Kinkelin Graceful Brown Snake
- Kirtland’s Snake
- Knight Anole
- Knob-scaled Lizard
- Komodo Dragon
- Komodo Island Monitor
- Koraten Writhing Skink
- Kuhlman’s Tree Iguana
Amphibians: 32 Animals Beginning With K
- Kajika Frog
- Kalinga Narrowmouth Toad
- Karin Bubble-nest Frog
- Karoo Dainty Frog
- Karoo Toad
- Karpathos Frog
- Karri Frog
- Katanga Caco
- Kavieng Wrinkled Ground Frog
- Keferstein’s Toadlet
- Kerala Warty Frog
- Kern Canyon Slender Salamander
- Kern Plateau Slender Salamander
- Kiamichi Slimy Salamander
- Kiau Borneo Frog
- Kihansi Spray Toad
- Kinabalu Horned Frog
- Kivu Clawed Frog
- Kivu Tree Frog
- Knife-footed Frog
- Knocking Sand Frog
- Knysna Banana Frog
- Koa Tao Island Caecilian
- Kobayashi’s Horned Frog
- Kokarit Frog
- Kokoe Poison Frog
- Korean Crevice Salamander
- Kroombit Tinker Frog
- Kuatun Horned Toad
- Kuhl’s Creek Frog
- Kunapalari Frog
- Kweichow Crocodile Newt
Fish: 242 Animals Starting With K
- Kalabans
- Kaluga
- Kampoyo
- Kandar
- Karomo
- Katolo
- Katrana
- Kelpfish
- Keppi
- Killifish
- Kingklip
- Kinkin
- Kiver
- Kiyi
- Knifefish
- Knifejaw
- Koaro
- Koemapari
- Koester
- Koi
- Kokko
- Kokuni
- Kolus
- Konye
- Kotso
- Kotsovato
- Kribensis
- Krobia
- Kroki
- Kukumai
- Kululu
- Kumakuma
- Kutum
- Kwab
- Kyack
- Kaalpens goby
- Kabili bumblebee goby
- Kafue killifish
- Kafue pike
- Kagoshima velvetfish
- Kai dragonet
- Kai stargazer
- Kai stingaree
- Kailola’s hardyhead
- Kailola’s sea catfish
- Kaiwi Channel grenadier
- Kakuk’s coralbrotula
- Kalambo suckermouth
- Kalbar rasbora
- Kalimantan ilisha
- Kalimantan river sprat
- Kalimantania lawak
- Kamaka rainbowfish
- Kamchatka flounder
- Kamiranzovu haplo
- Kamohara grenadier
- Kampen’s pipefish
- Kanadi kingfish
- Kanawha darter
- Kanawha minnow
- Kantaka barb
- Kapala stingaree
- Kappie blenny
- Kapuas elegant paradise fish
- Kapuas river sprat
- Karati hangar
- Karenteen seabream
- Kariba tilapia
- Karimunjawa dottyback
- Karin’s coralbrotula
- Karrer’s whiptail
- Karut croaker
- Kasatkia memorabilis
- Kashgarian loach
- Kashmir latia
- Kashmir triplophysa-loach
- Katapa-tapa
- Katavi mouthbrooder
- Kathala croaker
- Katherine’s wrasse
- Katrine’s coralbrotula
- Kaup’s sole
- Kavirondo barb
- Keel-jawed needle fish
- Keelcheek bass
- Keeltail needlefish
- Kei goby
- Kelee shad
- Kellogg’s scorpionfish
- Kelp greenling
- Kelp gunnel
- Kelp klipfish
- Kelp perch
- Kelp poacher
- Kelp rockfish
- Kelp sculpin
- Kelp weedfish
- Kemp garra
- Kentucky darter
- Kenyan chromis
- Kenyi cichlid
- Kerala mystus
- Kerguelen sandpaper skate
- Kerguelen spiny plunderfish
- Kermadec rattail
- Kermadec scalyfin
- Kermadec spiny dogfish
- Kermadec triplefin
- Kern brook lamprey
- Kessler’s loach
- Key anchovy
- Key blenny
- Key brotula
- Key goby
- Key silverside
- Key worm eel
- Keyhole angelfish
- Keyhole cichlid
- Khadary-whitefish
- Khaki flounder
- Khandalla minnow
- Khanka gudgeon
- Khanka spiny bitterling
- Khasi garra
- Khavalchor catfish
- Khavli barb
- Kiamichi shiner
- Kibiti Lampeye
- Kido’s snailfish
- Kiener’s silverside
- Kikado moray
- Kikambala nothobranch
- Killarney shad
- Kimberley blenny
- Kimberley catfish
- Kimberley grunter
- Kimberley spangled perch
- Kindia killi
- King angelfish
- King dory
- King of herrings
- King soldierbream
- King weakfish
- King Whiting
- King’s bullhead
- King-o’-Norway
- Kinneret bleak
- Kirikuchi char
- Kirk’s blenny
- Kissing gourami
- Kissing loach
- Kittipong’s cave loach
- Kiunga bleheri
- Klamath Lake sculpin
- Klamath largescale sucker
- Klamath river lamprey
- Klamath smallscale sucker
- Klausewitz’ garden eel
- Klausewitzia ritae
- Klunzinger’s wrasse
- Kner’s goby
- Knife livebearer
- Knife razorfish
- Knife-back seabream
- Knife-snouted pipefish
- Knifetooth dogfish
- Knight’s dottyback
- Knipowitsch’s tadpole
- Knobbed porgy
- Knobsnout parrotfish
- Knopp’s shark
- Knothead parrotfish
- Knout goby
- Knysna sandgoby
- Kocha garua
- Koefoed’s searsid
- Koefoed’s smooth-head
- Kokoda perchlet
- Kokoda perchlet
- Kolombatovic’s goby
- Komodo cardinalfish
- Kongoro lampeye
- Koningsberger’s herring
- Konoshiro gizzard shad
- Korean bittering
- Korean lamprey
- Korean sandeel
- Korean seerfish
- Korean skate
- Korean stumpy bullhead
- Koreocobitis naktongensis
- Korhi barb
- Korogwe tilapia
- Kosi nangra
- Kosi rockskipper
- Kosogol grayling
- Kosswigobarbus kosswigi
- Kotlyar’s whiptail
- Kottelat rasbora
- Kottelatlimia hipporhynchos
- Kottelatlimia katik
- Kottelatlimia pristes
- Kouman’s prawn-goby
- Krabi mouth brooder betta
- Krauss’ blenny
- Krefft’s ray
- Krefft’s smooth-head
- Krefftichthys anderssoni
- Krempf’s flounder
- Kribi killi
- Kriete’s tonguefish
- Krishna carp
- Krishna mystus
- Krone’s flat suckermouth catfish
- Kroyer’s lanternfish
- Krynicki’s loach
- Kuban barbel
- Kuban’s nase
- Kubuna hardyhead
- Kudersky parketnik
- Kukwari sea catfish
- Kulbicki’s triplefin
- Kulbicki’s pipefish
- Kumaon snowtrout
- Kunar snowtrout
- Kunashir smelt
- Kunming catfish
- Kunming nase
- Kupang cardinalfish
- Kupang pony fish
- Kura barbel
- Kura bleak
- Kura gudgeon
- Kura loach
- Kura nase
- Kura shad
- Kurchatov’s notoliparis
- Kuria labeo
- Kuroshinoshita
- Kuschakewitsch loach
- Kwangtung skate
- Kyushu bitterling
Invertebrates: 21 Animals That Start With K
- Katydid
- Krill
- Kamehameha Butterfly
- Keeled Skimmer
- Keyhole Wasp
- Khapra Beetle
- Kiawe Bean Weevil
- Kiawe Flower Moth
- Kiawe Roundedhead Borer
- Kiawe Scolytid
- Killer Bee
- King Crab
- Kirkaldy Whitefly
- Kissing Bugs
- Klamathweed Beetle
- Koa Bug
- Koa Haole Seed Weevil
- Koa Moth
- Koa Seedworm
- Kou Leafworm
- Kudzu Bug
More Posts From Our Animal Alphabet Series
- Animals That Start With E: the Ultimate List
- Animals Starting With K: the Humongous List
- Animals That Start With N: an Illustrated Guide
- Animals Beginning With N: the Humongous List
- Animals That Start With U: the Ultimate List
- Animals That Start With X: the Authoritative List
Read this next: Animals That Start With N: the Awesomely Illustrated Guide
Hal Brindley
Brindley is an American conservation biologist, wildlife photographer, filmmaker, writer, and illustrator living in Asheville, NC. He studied black-footed cats in Namibia for his master’s research, has traveled to all seven continents, and loves native plant gardening. See more of his work at Travel for Wildlife, Truly Wild, Our Wild Yard, & Naturalist Studio.